Windsor Probus Club Committee 2023/24

Chris Towler
I was born in Scotland in 1949. I attended University in Aberdeen, graduating with a BSc and doctorate in Biochemistry. After a short period in academia, I joined Glaxo where I stayed for 23 years, working in new drug development and regulatory affairs. I headed up Glaxo’s project management function for 13 of these years and led the development of four major new medicines. When Glaxo and Wellcome merged to form GlaxoWellcome, I became Director of International Regulatory Affairs. Throughout my time in pharmaceuticals, I travelled widely and developed a love of travel and food. My wife, Sylvia and I continue to follow these affections!
On leaving GW on the merger with SmithKline, I worked for the Vice Chancellor of Imperial College, again largely in Project Management roles and as “speech writer”. After 8 years, I moved to Oxford University, where I managed a fund of University money set aside for investment in new technology-based start-up companies. I retired a few years ago but remain a director of a cancer diagnostic company in Oxford.
Sylvia and I live in Englefield Green. We have two children and two grandchildren.
Vice Chairman

Ian Bacon
Born and first educated in Rotherham, I then moved on to Birmingham University where I gained a BSc in Electrical Engineering and as a bonus, met my wife Margaret. This led to a Graduate Apprenticeship with the Yorkshire Electricity Board.
In 1969 we moved south to Windsor and I joined the Petrochemical Industry with Foster Wheeler.
With the discovery of oil and gas in the North Sea in 1974, I joined a company of 10 people called Protech International just starting up in this fledgling industry. Over the next 25 years I went up the ranks to become Managing Director with some 10 subsidiary companies set up all over the world wherever oil and gas was produced, with a peak of over 750 employees.
In 1999 I assisted in selling the company and took early retirement at the age of 57. I retrained as a magistrate and was a Chairman of the bench until mandatory retirement at 70. We have two adult children, a vet and a solicitor and four grandchildren and spend our retirement in amateur dramatics, travelling, gardening and catching up with family and friends.

David Taylor
Minute Secretary
After school in Stratford-upon-Avon and then Leicester University I worked in Operational Research at Philips Electrical before spending 25 years in the Gas industry in OR and IT roles, first with North Thames Gas, then Southern Gas and finally British Gas HQ. I then moved to the NHS, working at the Royal Berks. Hospital, King Edward VII Hospital in Windsor, as Practice Manager at Claremont surgery in Maidenhead and finally with the GP Training team at Wexham Park Hospital.
My wife and I have lived in Windsor since 1970 and our two children were brought up here. I joined Windsor Probus in 2005 and was Chairman in 2016/17. I played golf until recently and enjoy gardening and spending time with family and friends.

Hans Kjaersgaard
Membership Secretary
I come from Esbjerg in Denmark where I was born in 1945. I joined the Army and was posted to the military headquarters of NATO in Belgium where I met my wife. We married in 1970, moved to England and settled in Windsor with our 2 children.
I was Sales Manager for the Middle East in a large flavour and fragrance company in the Netherlands and became responsible for Project Management in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. I took early retirement in 2007.
I am a Voluntary Steward in St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, where my father-in-law had lived as a Military Knight of Windsor. My wife passed away in 2021, my two children live locally and I have five grandchildren, as well as two Mini Longhaired Dachshunds who keep me active.
Events Co-ordinator

Chris Heitzmann
Immediate Past Chairman
I was born in 1946 and spent my early years in Teddington, Middlesex. I went to Thames Valley Grammar School before joining Barclays Bank Plc. During the next 30 years I worked at various branches in South West London before becoming Branch Manager at Tooting Broadway.
On leaving the Bank I worked as Bursar at Upton House School before joining Winkfield Parish Council as Finance Officer.
I was Treasurer of the Friends of Windsor Hospital for over 35 years and also became a Non-Executive Director of Attend, a national charity looking after groups across the country. I was made an MBE in 2006 for my charity work.
I have lived in Windsor since 1977 and joined Probus in 2008.